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Sarah Kane, Dog Trainer

Sarah K9ane

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want a service animal. Maybe you want to turn your disobeying dog into something more. Or maybe you have a creative mind and want your dog to do cool tricks. Whatever it is, the way you explain you story to me can make all the difference. 

Email — Phone — 989-559-9703

Bella, The reason for it all.

Bella K9ane, GS

This is Bella a 2 year old German Shepherd. Bella was surrendered to me by a pervious owner who is a close friend of mine. She made a post about wanting to rehome Bella do to aggressive behavior towards other dogs. With this behavior Bella gave her previous owner stitches multiple times. I decided to put my dog training skills to the test and took Bella on. After one week of having Bella she is now able to walk past other dogs without trying to attack. I have even be able to certify her as an ESA animal and take her to stores with me. Bella is able to walk through the store with me without leaving my side and ignoring by passers while staying focused waiting for my cues on what to do next.

Get started with Pawsitive Michigan Canines, today.