Get the pet care you deserve.
Transforming dogs behaviors.
I am a dog trainer in mid Michigan. Turning dogs into obedient members of the family. Providing support in your every day life whether that be emotional support or protection. I’ve corrected dogs behaviors anywhere from attacking other dogs or by passers on the street or simply pulling on the leash.
At Pawsitive Michigan Canines I provide cheap and affordable prices to families all across the state. Each training session is completely custom to you and your families needs and desires. I can train up to 6 dogs a day! I accept all breeds and ages!
A modern approach
It’s essential to me that my clients get personalized suggestions on which training sessions will be a best match to their lives. Rather than do things the typical way, I’ve created a system designed around my clients’ needs.
Our rates
Leash Training
Online or in-person, this is designated for individuals to have their dog trained while they continue on with their day or train their dog themselves. Typically, meetings are weekly 3x or bi-weekly 3x.
120 mins | $20 | Get started
Muzzle Training
Online or in-person, this time will be spent pairing your dog to the correct muzzle and positively associating the muzzle. This will stop you having to wrestle or force the muzzle on your dog. A highly motivated dog will place their own face in muzzle. An obedient dog will sit still while owner places the muzzle.
60 mins | $15 | Get started
Intro Bite Work
In-person, this session will help you with what you care most about and develop a plan to achieve personal and professional goals.
120 mins | $10 for puppies or $4 per pound | Get started
Personal Diet Plans
The diet plans that I provide will be vet recommended. It will educate you on your dogs specific breed and what they need in their diet to sustain a long health life style. For example: avoiding hip and joint problems.
0 mins | $25 per plan | Get started
Check for availability.
I have a very flexible schedule to work odd hours. Can also check for boarding options.
Currently only boarding one dog at a time for 3 days max while in training. Boarding fees start at $50 for the full 3 days!